Category: PHP

Upgrade currently installed PHP packages to version 7.1

Upgrade currently installed PHP packages to version 7.1

Preparation for Installation

Start PuTTY on a Windows PC, Terminal on a Mac or similar terminal application on a Linux PC.

In this example Terminal on a Mac is used.

Open a remote SSH session to the server with:

Mac:~ user$ ssh user@ [enter]
N.B.: Replace user@ with User ID and IP Address on Your server!
[user@server ~]$

Enable superuser privileges with:

[user@server ~]$ sudo -s [enter]
Password: <-- passwd [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: Enter user password, not the root password!

Add all currently installed PHP packages to file ‘installed-php-ports-list’ and then display the list with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# pkg info \*php\* > ~/installed-php-ports-list; cat ~/installed-php-ports-list [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: The next command will delete all PHP packages listed in file installed-php-ports-list WITHOUT any confirmation from you!

Delete all currently installed packages listed in file installed-php-ports-list with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# cat ~/installed-php-ports-list | xargs pkg delete -fy [enter]
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 31 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:

Number of packages to be removed: 31

The operation will free 28 MiB.
[1/31] Deinstalling php70-extensions-1.1...
[2/31] Deinstalling php70-pdo_sqlite-7.0.21...
[2/31] Deleting files for php70-pdo_sqlite-7.0.21: 100%
[3/31] Deinstalling php70-phar-7.0.21...
[3/31] Deleting files for php70-phar-7.0.21: 100%
[4/31] Deinstalling php70-xmlreader-7.0.21...
[4/31] Deleting files for php70-xmlreader-7.0.21: 100%
[5/31] Deinstalling php70-bz2-7.0.21...
[5/31] Deleting files for php70-bz2-7.0.21: 100%
[6/31] Deinstalling php70-ctype-7.0.21...
[6/31] Deleting files for php70-ctype-7.0.21: 100%
[7/31] Deinstalling php70-curl-7.0.21...
[7/31] Deleting files for php70-curl-7.0.21: 100%
[8/31] Deinstalling php70-dom-7.0.21...
[8/31] Deleting files for php70-dom-7.0.21: 100%
[9/31] Deinstalling php70-filter-7.0.21...
[9/31] Deleting files for php70-filter-7.0.21: 100%
[10/31] Deinstalling php70-ftp-7.0.21...
[10/31] Deleting files for php70-ftp-7.0.21: 100%
[11/31] Deinstalling php70-gd-7.0.21...
[11/31] Deleting files for php70-gd-7.0.21: 100%
[12/31] Deinstalling php70-hash-7.0.21...
[12/31] Deleting files for php70-hash-7.0.21: 100%
[13/31] Deinstalling php70-iconv-7.0.21...
[13/31] Deleting files for php70-iconv-7.0.21: 100%
[14/31] Deinstalling php70-json-7.0.21...
[14/31] Deleting files for php70-json-7.0.21: 100%
[15/31] Deinstalling php70-mbstring-7.0.21_1...
[15/31] Deleting files for php70-mbstring-7.0.21_1: 100%
[16/31] Deinstalling php70-mcrypt-7.0.21...
[16/31] Deleting files for php70-mcrypt-7.0.21: 100%
[17/31] Deinstalling php70-mysqli-7.0.21...
[17/31] Deleting files for php70-mysqli-7.0.21: 100%
[18/31] Deinstalling php70-opcache-7.0.21...
[18/31] Deleting files for php70-opcache-7.0.21: 100%
[19/31] Deinstalling php70-openssl-7.0.21...
[19/31] Deleting files for php70-openssl-7.0.21: 100%
[20/31] Deinstalling php70-pdo-7.0.21...
[20/31] Deleting files for php70-pdo-7.0.21: 100%
[21/31] Deinstalling php70-posix-7.0.21...
[21/31] Deleting files for php70-posix-7.0.21: 100%
[22/31] Deinstalling php70-session-7.0.21...
[22/31] Deleting files for php70-session-7.0.21: 100%
[23/31] Deinstalling php70-simplexml-7.0.21...
[23/31] Deleting files for php70-simplexml-7.0.21: 100%
[24/31] Deinstalling php70-sqlite3-7.0.21...
[24/31] Deleting files for php70-sqlite3-7.0.21: 100%
[25/31] Deinstalling php70-tokenizer-7.0.21...
[25/31] Deleting files for php70-tokenizer-7.0.21: 100%
[26/31] Deinstalling php70-xml-7.0.21...
[26/31] Deleting files for php70-xml-7.0.21: 100%
[27/31] Deinstalling php70-xmlwriter-7.0.21...
[27/31] Deleting files for php70-xmlwriter-7.0.21: 100%
[28/31] Deinstalling php70-zip-7.0.21...
[28/31] Deleting files for php70-zip-7.0.21: 100%
[29/31] Deinstalling php70-zlib-7.0.21...
[29/31] Deleting files for php70-zlib-7.0.21: 100%
[30/31] Deinstalling php70-7.0.21...
[30/31] Deleting files for php70-7.0.21: 100%
[31/31] Deinstalling mod_php70-7.0.21...
[preparing module `php7' in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf]
[31/31] Deleting files for mod_php70-7.0.21: 100%
Install all packages deleted with the new version as in this example with:
[root@server /usr/home/user]#
[root@server /usr/home/user]# pkg install php71 php71-bz2 php71-ctype php71-curl php71-dom php71-extensions php71-filter php71-ftp php71-gd php71-hash php71-iconv php71-json php71-mbstring php71-mcrypt php71-mysqli php71-opcache php71-openssl php71-pdo php71-pdo_sqlite php71-phar php71-posix php71-session php71-simplexml php71-sqlite3 php71-tokenizer php71-xml php71-xmlreader php71-xmlwriter php71-zip php71-zlib mod_php71 [enter]
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 31 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        php71: 7.1.7
        php71-bz2: 7.1.7
        php71-ctype: 7.1.7
        php71-curl: 7.1.7
        php71-dom: 7.1.7
        php71-extensions: 1.0
        php71-filter: 7.1.7
        php71-ftp: 7.1.7
        php71-gd: 7.1.7
        php71-hash: 7.1.7
        php71-iconv: 7.1.7
        php71-json: 7.1.7
        php71-mbstring: 7.1.7_1
        php71-mcrypt: 7.1.7
        php71-mysqli: 7.1.7
        php71-opcache: 7.1.7
        php71-openssl: 7.1.7
        php71-pdo: 7.1.7
        php71-pdo_sqlite: 7.1.7
        php71-phar: 7.1.7
        php71-posix: 7.1.7
        php71-session: 7.1.7
        php71-simplexml: 7.1.7
        php71-sqlite3: 7.1.7
        php71-tokenizer: 7.1.7
        php71-xml: 7.1.7
        php71-xmlreader: 7.1.7
        php71-xmlwriter: 7.1.7
        php71-zip: 7.1.7
        php71-zlib: 7.1.7
        mod_php71: 7.1.7

Number of packages to be installed: 31

The process will require 29 MiB more space.
5 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/31] Fetching php71-7.1.7.txz: 100%    2 MiB   1.1MB/s    00:02
[2/31] Fetching php71-bz2-7.1.7.txz: 100%   11 KiB  10.9kB/s    00:01
[3/31] Fetching php71-ctype-7.1.7.txz: 100%    6 KiB   6.6kB/s    00:01
[4/31] Fetching php71-curl-7.1.7.txz: 100%   27 KiB  27.9kB/s    00:01
[5/31] Fetching php71-dom-7.1.7.txz: 100%   54 KiB  55.3kB/s    00:01
[6/31] Fetching php71-extensions-1.0.txz: 100%    1 KiB   1.1kB/s    00:01
[7/31] Fetching php71-filter-7.1.7.txz: 100%   18 KiB  18.9kB/s    00:01
[8/31] Fetching php71-ftp-7.1.7.txz: 100%   22 KiB  22.5kB/s    00:01
[9/31] Fetching php71-gd-7.1.7.txz: 100%  130 KiB 133.5kB/s    00:01
[10/31] Fetching php71-hash-7.1.7.txz: 100%  119 KiB 121.6kB/s    00:01
[11/31] Fetching php71-iconv-7.1.7.txz: 100%   18 KiB  18.0kB/s    00:01
[12/31] Fetching php71-json-7.1.7.txz: 100%   20 KiB  20.4kB/s    00:01
[13/31] Fetching php71-mbstring-7.1.7_1.txz:  66%  472 KiB 483.3kB/s    00:00 ET[13/31] Fetching php71-mbstring-7.1.7_1.txz: 100%  714 KiB 730.7kB/s    00:01   
[14/31] Fetching php71-mcrypt-7.1.7.txz: 100%   15 KiB  14.9kB/s    00:01
[15/31] Fetching php71-mysqli-7.1.7.txz: 100%   39 KiB  40.1kB/s    00:01
[16/31] Fetching php71-opcache-7.1.7.txz: 100%  143 KiB 146.8kB/s    00:01
[17/31] Fetching php71-openssl-7.1.7.txz: 100%   53 KiB  53.9kB/s    00:01
[18/31] Fetching php71-pdo-7.1.7.txz: 100%   43 KiB  44.1kB/s    00:01
[19/31] Fetching php71-pdo_sqlite-7.1.7.txz: 100%   12 KiB  12.1kB/s    00:01   
[20/31] Fetching php71-phar-7.1.7.txz: 100%  102 KiB 104.9kB/s    00:01
[21/31] Fetching php71-posix-7.1.7.txz: 100%   11 KiB  11.4kB/s    00:01
[22/31] Fetching php71-session-7.1.7.txz: 100%   31 KiB  32.1kB/s    00:01
[23/31] Fetching php71-simplexml-7.1.7.txz: 100%   23 KiB  23.3kB/s    00:01
[24/31] Fetching php71-sqlite3-7.1.7.txz: 100%   17 KiB  17.8kB/s    00:01
[25/31] Fetching php71-tokenizer-7.1.7.txz: 100%    9 KiB   8.8kB/s    00:01
[26/31] Fetching php71-xml-7.1.7.txz: 100%   20 KiB  20.1kB/s    00:01
[27/31] Fetching php71-xmlreader-7.1.7.txz: 100%   13 KiB  12.9kB/s    00:01
[28/31] Fetching php71-xmlwriter-7.1.7.txz: 100%   13 KiB  13.1kB/s    00:01
[29/31] Fetching php71-zip-7.1.7.txz: 100%   20 KiB  20.4kB/s    00:01
[30/31] Fetching php71-zlib-7.1.7.txz: 100%   17 KiB  17.6kB/s    00:01
[31/31] Fetching mod_php71-7.1.7.txz: 100%    1 MiB   1.2MB/s    00:01
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/31] Installing php71-7.1.7...
[1/31] Extracting php71-7.1.7: 100%
[2/31] Installing php71-dom-7.1.7...
[2/31] Extracting php71-dom-7.1.7: 100%
[3/31] Installing php71-hash-7.1.7...
[3/31] Extracting php71-hash-7.1.7: 100%
[4/31] Installing php71-pdo-7.1.7...
[4/31] Extracting php71-pdo-7.1.7: 100%
[5/31] Installing php71-ctype-7.1.7...
[5/31] Extracting php71-ctype-7.1.7: 100%
[6/31] Installing php71-filter-7.1.7...
[6/31] Extracting php71-filter-7.1.7: 100%
[7/31] Installing php71-iconv-7.1.7...
[7/31] Extracting php71-iconv-7.1.7: 100%
[8/31] Installing php71-json-7.1.7...
[8/31] Extracting php71-json-7.1.7: 100%
[9/31] Installing php71-opcache-7.1.7...
[9/31] Extracting php71-opcache-7.1.7: 100%
[10/31] Installing php71-pdo_sqlite-7.1.7...
[10/31] Extracting php71-pdo_sqlite-7.1.7: 100%
[11/31] Installing php71-phar-7.1.7...
[11/31] Extracting php71-phar-7.1.7: 100%
[12/31] Installing php71-posix-7.1.7...
[12/31] Extracting php71-posix-7.1.7: 100%
[13/31] Installing php71-session-7.1.7...
[13/31] Extracting php71-session-7.1.7: 100%
[14/31] Installing php71-simplexml-7.1.7...
[14/31] Extracting php71-simplexml-7.1.7: 100%
[15/31] Installing php71-sqlite3-7.1.7...
[15/31] Extracting php71-sqlite3-7.1.7: 100%
[16/31] Installing php71-tokenizer-7.1.7...
[16/31] Extracting php71-tokenizer-7.1.7: 100%
[17/31] Installing php71-xml-7.1.7...
[17/31] Extracting php71-xml-7.1.7: 100%
[18/31] Installing php71-xmlreader-7.1.7...
[18/31] Extracting php71-xmlreader-7.1.7: 100%
[19/31] Installing php71-xmlwriter-7.1.7...
[19/31] Extracting php71-xmlwriter-7.1.7: 100%
[20/31] Installing php71-bz2-7.1.7...
[20/31] Extracting php71-bz2-7.1.7: 100%
[21/31] Installing php71-curl-7.1.7...
[21/31] Extracting php71-curl-7.1.7: 100%
[22/31] Installing php71-extensions-1.0...
[23/31] Installing php71-ftp-7.1.7...
[23/31] Extracting php71-ftp-7.1.7: 100%
[24/31] Installing php71-gd-7.1.7...
[24/31] Extracting php71-gd-7.1.7: 100%
[25/31] Installing php71-mbstring-7.1.7_1...
[25/31] Extracting php71-mbstring-7.1.7_1: 100%
[26/31] Installing php71-mcrypt-7.1.7...
[26/31] Extracting php71-mcrypt-7.1.7: 100%
[27/31] Installing php71-mysqli-7.1.7...
[27/31] Extracting php71-mysqli-7.1.7: 100%
[28/31] Installing php71-openssl-7.1.7...
[28/31] Extracting php71-openssl-7.1.7: 100%
[29/31] Installing php71-zip-7.1.7...
[29/31] Extracting php71-zip-7.1.7: 100%
[30/31] Installing php71-zlib-7.1.7...
[30/31] Extracting php71-zlib-7.1.7: 100%
[31/31] Installing mod_php71-7.1.7...
Extracting mod_php71-7.1.7: 100%
[activating module `php7' in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf]
Message from php71-dom-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-dom.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-hash-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-hash.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-pdo-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-pdo.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-ctype-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-ctype.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-filter-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-filter.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-iconv-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-iconv.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-json-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-json.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-opcache-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-10-opcache.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-pdo_sqlite-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-30-pdo_sqlite.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-phar-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-30-phar.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-posix-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-posix.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-session-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-18-session.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-simplexml-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-simplexml.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-sqlite3-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-sqlite3.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-tokenizer-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-tokenizer.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-xml-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-xml.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-xmlreader-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-30-xmlreader.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-xmlwriter-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-xmlwriter.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-bz2-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-bz2.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-curl-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-curl.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-ftp-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-ftp.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-gd-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-gd.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-mbstring-7.1.7_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-mbstring.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-mcrypt-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-mcrypt.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-mysqli-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-mysqli.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-openssl-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-openssl.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-zip-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-zip.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-zlib-7.1.7:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-zlib.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from mod_php71-7.1.7:

Make sure index.php is part of your DirectoryIndex.

You should add the following to your Apache configuration file:

<FilesMatch "\.php$">
    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

<FilesMatch "\.phps$">
    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source

[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Restart the Apache Web service with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# service apache24 restart [enter]
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Stopping apache24.
Waiting for PIDS: 2375.
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache24.
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

…and verify that the new PHP version is used by accessing the Web server from your browser with:

Finally, delete file installed-php-ports-list with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# rm ~/installed-php-ports-list [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#



phpSysInfo is a PHP script that displays information about the host being accessed. It will displays things like Uptime, CPU, Memory, SCSI, IDE, PCI, Ethernet, Floppy, and Video Information.



The following applications must be installed, configured and running:

  1. Apache HTTP Server
  2. PHP (v. 7.0)
  3. GNU wget

Preparation for Installation

Start PuTTY on a Windows PC, Terminal on a Mac or similar terminal application on a Linux PC.

In this example Terminal on a Mac is used.

Open a remote SSH session to the server with:

Mac:~ user$ ssh user@ [enter]
N.B.: Replace user@ with User ID and IP Address on Your server!
[user@server ~]$

Enable superuser privileges with:

[user@server ~]$ sudo -s [enter]
Password: <-- passwd [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: Enter user password, not the root password!


[root@server /usr/home/user]# wget
--2017-02-20 19:03:01--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2017-02-20 19:03:01--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 986821 (964K) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘v3.2.7.tar.gz’

v3.2.7.tar.gz       100%[===================>] 963,69K   837KB/s    in 1,2s    

2017-02-20 19:03:03 (837 KB/s) - ‘v3.2.7.tar.gz’ saved [986821/986821]

[root@server /usr/home/user]#


Extract file v3.2.7.tar.gz to /usr/local/www/ with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# tar -zxvf v3.2.7.tar.gz  -C /usr/local/www/ [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Delete file v3.2.7.tar.gz with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# rm v3.2.7.tar.gz [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Install shared php extension php70-mbstring and php70-xml with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# pkg install php70-mbstring php70-xml [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#


Create a configure file for phpSysInfo with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# cp /usr/local/www/phpsysinfo-3.2.7/ /usr/local/www/phpsysinfo-3.2.7/phpsysinfo.ini [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Edit file /usr/local/www/phpsysinfo-3.2.7/phpsysinfo.ini if needed with: with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ee /usr/local/www/phpsysinfo-3.2.7/phpsysinfo.ini

To make phpsysinfo available through the local web site:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/phpsysinfo.conf

…and add the following text:

Alias /phpsysinfo/ "/usr/local/www/phpsysinfo-3.2.7/"
<Directory "/usr/local/www/phpsysinfo-3.2.7/">
  AllowOverride All
  Require all granted

Restart apache24 with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# service apache24 restart [enter]
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Stopping apache24.
Waiting for PIDS: 1302.
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache24.
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

How to use

Start a browser and go to URL:

phpMyAdmin with PHP v. 7.0

phpMyAdmin with PHP v. 7.0


phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.



The following applications must be installed, configured and running before installation of phpMyAdmin:

Preparation for Installation

Start PuTTY on a Windows PC, Terminal on a Mac or similar terminal application on a Linux PC.

In this example Terminal on a Mac is used.

Open a remote SSH session to the server with:

Mac:~ user$ ssh user@ [enter]
N.B.: Replace user@ with User ID and IP Address on Your server!
[user@server ~]$

Enable superuser privileges with:

[user@server ~]$ sudo -s [enter]
Password: <-- passwd [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: Enter user password, not the root password!


N.B.: Do NOT install phpMyAdmin from port if the PHP version installed is > 5.6!

Verify version of PHP installed with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# php -v [enter]
PHP 7.0.15 (cli) (built: Jan 24 2017 01:18:59) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.15, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

In this example PHP version 7.0 is installed. Due to this phpMyAdmin will be downloaded from the phpMyAdmin site.

Download and Verification

[root@server /usr/home/user]# wget [enter]
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 11349727 (11M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’

phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-al 100%[===================>]  10,82M  2,62MB/s    in 4,3s    

2017-02-22 00:00:00 (2,55 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [11349727/11349727]

[root@server /usr/home/user]#
[root@server /usr/home/user]# wget [enter]
--2017-02-22 12:12:36--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 819 [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘’

phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-al 100%[===================>]     819  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2017-02-22 00:00:00 (61,9 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [819/819]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Download the keyring from the phpMyAdmin download server with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# wget [enter]
--2017-02-22 12:49:01--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 34198 (33K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘phpmyadmin.keyring’

phpmyadmin.keyring  100%[===================>]  33,40K  --.-KB/s    in 0,006s  

2017-02-22 00:00:00 (5,27 MB/s) - ‘phpmyadmin.keyring’ saved [34198/34198]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

…and then import the keyring data with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# gpg --import phpmyadmin.keyring [enter]
gpg: /root/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 9C27B31342B7511D: public key "Michal Čihař <>" imported
gpg: key FEFC65D181AF644A: public key "Marc Delisle <>" imported
gpg: key CE752F178259BD92: public key "Isaac Bennetch <>" imported
gpg: key DA68AB39218AB947: public key "phpMyAdmin Security Team <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 4
gpg:               imported: 4
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: Verify the public keys corresponds with the information publiced the phpMyAdmin web site: Verifying phpMyAdmin releases.

[root@server /usr/home/user]# gpg --verify [enter]
gpg: assuming signed data in ''
gpg: Signature made Mon 23 Jan 20:22:46 2017 CET
gpg:                using RSA key CE752F178259BD92
gpg: Good signature from "Isaac Bennetch <>" [unknown]
gpg:                 aka "Isaac Bennetch <>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 3D06 A59E CE73 0EB7 1B51  1C17 CE75 2F17 8259 BD92
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Beginning in January 2016, the release manager for phpMyAdmin is Isaac Bennetch. His RSA key id is:


…and his PGP primary key fingerprint is:

3D06 A59E CE73 0EB7 1B51 1C17 CE75 2F17 8259 BD92

You should verify that the signature matches the archive you have downloaded. This way you can be sure that you are using the same code that was released. You should also verify the date of the signature to make sure that you downloaded the latest version.


Extract file to /usr/local/www/ with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# unzip  -d /usr/local/www [enter]
   creating: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/ChangeLog  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/DCO  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/LICENSE  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/README  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/RELEASE-DATE-4.6.6  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/url.php  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/user_password.php  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/version_check.php  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/view_create.php  
 extracting: /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages/  |
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Delete file with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# rm [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Rename folder /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages to /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# mv /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-all-languages /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: Only not installed required PHP shared extension will be installed with the following command!

Install shared PHP extension required by phpMyAdmin with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# pkg install php70-session php70-xml php70-bz2 php70-ctype php70-filter php70-zip php70-openssl php70-gd php70-mcrypt php70-mbstring php70-mysqli php70-json php70-zlib [enter]
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 9 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
	php70-session: 7.0.15
	php70-bz2: 7.0.15
	php70-ctype: 7.0.15
	php70-openssl: 7.0.15
	php70-mcrypt: 7.0.15
	php70-mbstring: 7.0.15
	php70-json: 7.0.15
	libltdl: 2.4.6
	libmcrypt: 2.5.8_3

Number of packages to be installed: 9

The process will require 5 MiB more space.
988 KiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y [enter]
Fetching php70-session-7.0.15.txz: 100%   32 KiB  32.3kB/s    00:01    
Fetching php70-bz2-7.0.15.txz: 100%   11 KiB  11.0kB/s    00:01    
Fetching php70-ctype-7.0.15.txz: 100%    7 KiB   6.8kB/s    00:01    
Fetching php70-openssl-7.0.15.txz: 100%   44 KiB  44.7kB/s    00:01    
Fetching php70-mcrypt-7.0.15.txz: 100%   15 KiB  14.9kB/s    00:01    
Fetching php70-mbstring-7.0.15.txz: 100%  712 KiB 728.9kB/s    00:01    
Fetching php70-json-7.0.15.txz: 100%   19 KiB  19.9kB/s    00:01    
Fetching libltdl-2.4.6.txz: 100%   36 KiB  36.6kB/s    00:01    
Fetching libmcrypt-2.5.8_3.txz: 100%  114 KiB 116.9kB/s    00:01    
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/9] Installing libltdl-2.4.6...
[1/9] Extracting libltdl-2.4.6: 100%
[2/9] Installing libmcrypt-2.5.8_3...
[2/9] Extracting libmcrypt-2.5.8_3: 100%
[3/9] Installing php70-session-7.0.15...
[3/9] Extracting php70-session-7.0.15: 100%
[4/9] Installing php70-bz2-7.0.15...
[4/9] Extracting php70-bz2-7.0.15: 100%
[5/9] Installing php70-ctype-7.0.15...
[5/9] Extracting php70-ctype-7.0.15: 100%
[6/9] Installing php70-openssl-7.0.15...
[6/9] Extracting php70-openssl-7.0.15: 100%
[7/9] Installing php70-mcrypt-7.0.15...
[7/9] Extracting php70-mcrypt-7.0.15: 100%
[8/9] Installing php70-mbstring-7.0.15...
[8/9] Extracting php70-mbstring-7.0.15: 100%
[9/9] Installing php70-json-7.0.15...
[9/9] Extracting php70-json-7.0.15: 100%
Message from libmcrypt-2.5.8_3:
===>   NOTICE:

The libmcrypt port currently does not have a maintainer. As a result, it is
more likely to have unresolved issues, not be up-to-date, or even be removed in
the future. To volunteer to maintain this port, please create an issue at:

More information about port maintainership is available at:
Message from php70-session-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-18-session.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php70-bz2-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-bz2.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php70-ctype-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-ctype.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php70-openssl-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-openssl.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php70-mcrypt-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-mcrypt.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php70-mbstring-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-mbstring.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php70-json-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-json.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

[root@server /usr/home/user]#


Change file owner and group recursively for /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

To make phpMyAdmin available on the web site:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/phpmyadmin.conf [enter]

Add the following lines;

Alias /phpmyadmin/ "/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/"
<Directory "/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/">
  AllowOverride All
  Require all granted

…the restart the apache24 service with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# service apache24 restart [enter]
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Stopping apache24.
Waiting for PIDS: 12555.
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache24.
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: The phpMyAdmin documentation is stored on your server at:!

Start your browser and go to:

Login as the MySQL root user and complete the configured by enabling the phpMyAdmin extended features.

Create file /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/ with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ee /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/ [enter]

…and copy the following text – example – that was created for you:

 * Generated configuration file
 * Generated by: phpMyAdmin 4.6.6 setup script
 * Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2017 00:00:00 +0000

/* Servers configuration */
$i = 0;

/* Server: localhost [1] */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl'] = true;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = true;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';

/* End of servers configuration */

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '----------------------------------';
$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'en';
$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 1;
$cfg['UploadDir'] = '';
$cfg['SaveDir'] = '';
WordPress with PHP v. 7.0

WordPress with PHP v. 7.0


WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.

More simply, WordPress is what you use when you want to work with your blogging software, not fight it.



The following applications must be installed, configured and running before installation of WordPress:

  1. Apache HTTP Server
  2. PHP (v. 7.0)
  3. MySQL DB Server
  4. GNUwget

Preparation for Installation

Start PuTTY on a Windows PC, Terminal on a Mac or similar terminal application on a Linux PC.

In this example Terminal on a Mac is used.

Open a remote SSH session to the server with:

Mac:~ user$ ssh user@ [enter]
N.B.: Replace user@ with User ID and IP Address on Your server!
[user@server ~]$

Enable superuser privileges with:

[user@server ~]$ sudo -s [enter]
Password: <-- passwd [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: Enter user password, not the root password!


N.B.: Do NOT install WordPress from port if the PHP version installed is > 5.6!

Verify version of PHP installed with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# php -v <enter>
PHP 7.0.15 (cli) (built: Jan 24 2017 01:18:59) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.15, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

In this example PHP version 7.0 is installed. Due to this WordPress will be downloaded from the WordPress site.


Download the latest version of WordPress with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# wget <enter>
--2017-02-22 18:26:38--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 7997959 (7,6M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘latest.tar.gz’

latest.tar.gz       100%[===================>]   7,63M  1,74MB/s    in 6,0s    

2017-02-22 18:26:45 (1,27 MB/s) - ‘latest.tar.gz’ saved [7997959/7997959]

[root@server /usr/home/user]#


Extract file latest.tar.gz to /usr/local/www/ with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz  -C /usr/local/www <enter>
x wordpress/
x wordpress/wp-settings.php
x wordpress/wp-cron.php
x wordpress/wp-comments-post.php
x wordpress/wp-activate.php
x wordpress/wp-admin/
x wordpress/wp-includes/comment.php
x wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-text-diff-renderer-table.php
x wordpress/wp-config-sample.php
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Delete file latest.tar.gz with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# rm latest.tar.gz <enter>
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: Only not installed required PHP shared extension will be installed with the following command!

Install shared PHP extension required by phpMyAdmin with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# pkg install curl php70-curl libnghttp2 php70-gd php70-hash php70-xml php70-tokenizer php70-mysqli php70-zip php70-ftp php70-zlib <enter>
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 4 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
	curl: 7.52.1_1
	php70-curl: 7.0.15
	libnghttp2: 1.18.0
	php70-ftp: 7.0.15

Number of packages to be installed: 4

The process will require 4 MiB more space.
1 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y <enter>
Fetching curl-7.52.1_1.txz: 100%    1 MiB   1.1MB/s    00:01    
Fetching php70-curl-7.0.15.txz: 100%   26 KiB  26.8kB/s    00:01    
Fetching libnghttp2-1.18.0.txz: 100%  104 KiB 106.4kB/s    00:01    
Fetching php70-ftp-7.0.15.txz: 100%   22 KiB  22.4kB/s    00:01    
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/4] Installing libnghttp2-1.18.0...
[1/4] Extracting libnghttp2-1.18.0: 100%
[2/4] Installing curl-7.52.1_1...
[2/4] Extracting curl-7.52.1_1: 100%
[3/4] Installing php70-curl-7.0.15...
[3/4] Extracting php70-curl-7.0.15: 100%
[4/4] Installing php70-ftp-7.0.15...
[4/4] Extracting php70-ftp-7.0.15: 100%
Message from php70-curl-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-curl.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php70-ftp-7.0.15:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-ftp.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

[root@server /usr/home/user]#


Change file owner and group recursively for /usr/local/www/wordpress with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/wordpress <enter>
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Change file modes recursively for /usr/local/www/wordpress with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# chmod -R 755 /usr/local/www/wordpress <enter>
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Enable the Apache rewrite_module with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# perl -pi -e 's/#LoadModule rewrite_module/LoadModule rewrite_module/g' /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf <enter>
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

To make wordpress available on the web site:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/wordpress.conf <enter>

Add the following lines;

Alias /wp/ "/usr/local/www/wordpress/"
<Directory "/usr/local/www/wordpress/">
  AllowOverride All
  Require all granted

…the restart the apache24 service with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# service apache24 restart <enter>
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Stopping apache24.
Waiting for PIDS: 12555.
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache24.
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Prepare MySQL Database

WordPress uses a relational database, such as MySQL, to manage and store site and user information.

Login to the MySQL database with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# mysql -u root -p <enter>
Enter password: <-- password <enter>
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 422
Server version: 5.7.17-log Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

root@localhost [(none)]>

Create a MySQL wordpress database with:

root@localhost [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE wordpress; &enter>
Query OK, 1 row affected (0,02 sec)

root@localhost [(none)]>

Create a MySQL user account wpadmin that WordPress will use to interact with the wordpress database with:

root@localhost [(none)]> CREATE USER wpadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; &enter>
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,44 sec)

root@localhost [(none)]>


Grant the WordPress wpadmin user full access to the wordpress database with:


root@localhost [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO wpadmin@localhost; &enter> Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,44 sec) root@localhost [(none)]>

Before this privileges change will go into effect, we must flush the privileges with:

root@localhost [(none)]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; &enter>
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,43 sec)

root@localhost [(none)]>

Exit the MySQL prompt with:

root@localhost [(none)]> exit &enter>
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Make a copy of the WordPress sample configuration file with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# cp /usr/local/www/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php /usr/local/www/wordpress/wp-config.php <enter>
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Start editing file /usr/local/www/wordpress/wp-config.php with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ee /usr/local/www/wordpress/wp-config.php <enter>

…and update DB_NAME, DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD as in this example:

 * The base configuration for WordPress
 * The wp-config.php creation script uses this file during the
 * installation. You don't have to use the web site, you can
 * copy this file to "wp-config.php" and fill in the values.
 * This file contains the following configurations:
 * * MySQL settings
 * * Secret keys
 * * Database table prefix
 * @link
 * @package WordPress

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'wpadmin');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');

/** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define('DB_COLLATE', '');

 * Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.
 * Change these to different unique phrases!
 * You can generate these using the {@link secret-key service}
 * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again.
 * @since 2.6.0
define('AUTH_KEY',         'put your unique phrase here');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'put your unique phrase here');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'put your unique phrase here');
define('NONCE_KEY',        'put your unique phrase here');
define('AUTH_SALT',        'put your unique phrase here');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'put your unique phrase here');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   'put your unique phrase here');
define('NONCE_SALT',       'put your unique phrase here');


 * WordPress Database Table prefix.
 * You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each
 * a unique prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
$table_prefix  = 'wp_';

 * For developers: WordPress debugging mode.
 * Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.
 * It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG
 * in their development environments.
 * For information on other constants that can be used for debugging,
 * visit the Codex.
 * @link
define('WP_DEBUG', false);

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
	define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');

/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');

Authentication Unique Keys and Salts

You can generate the unique keys at:

Run WordPress Installation Script

Start your browser and got to and complete the installation of WordPress.




PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.



The following application(s) must be installed, configured and running before PHP is installed:

  1. Apache HTTP Server

Preparation for Installation

Start PuTTY on a Windows PC, Terminal on a Mac or similar terminal application on a Linux PC.

In this example Terminal on a Mac is used.

Open a remote SSH session to the server with:

Mac:~ user$ ssh user@ [enter]
N.B.: Replace user@ with User ID and IP Address on Your server!
[user@server ~]$

Enable superuser privileges with:

[user@server ~]$ sudo -s [enter]
Password: <-- passwd [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

N.B.: Enter user password, not the root password!


N.B.: Current version of Appache will be installed if missing!
Search for “mod_php” in the remote package repositories with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# pkg search "mod_php" [enter]
mod_php56-5.6.30               PHP Scripting Language
mod_php70-7.0.20_1             PHP Scripting Language
mod_php71-7.1.6_1              PHP Scripting Language
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

In this example php71, php71-extensions and mod_php71 will be installed with;

[root@server /usr/home/user]# pkg install php71 php71-extensions mod_php71 [enter]
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 27 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        php71: 7.1.6_1
        php71-extensions: 1.0
        mod_php71: 7.1.6_1
        libxml2: 2.9.4
        php71-session: 7.1.6_1
        php71-opcache: 7.1.6_1
        php71-xmlwriter: 7.1.6_1
        php71-xmlreader: 7.1.6_1
        php71-dom: 7.1.6_1
        php71-xml: 7.1.6_1
        php71-simplexml: 7.1.6_1
        php71-ctype: 7.1.6_1
        php71-posix: 7.1.6_1
        php71-hash: 7.1.6_1
        php71-filter: 7.1.6_1
        php71-tokenizer: 7.1.6_1
        php71-json: 7.1.6_1
        php71-sqlite3: 7.1.6_1
        sqlite3: 3.19.3_1
        php71-pdo_sqlite: 7.1.6_1
        php71-pdo: 7.1.6_1
        php71-iconv: 7.1.6_1
        php71-phar: 7.1.6_1
        apache24: 2.4.26
        gdbm: 1.13_1
        db5: 5.3.28_6

Number of packages to be installed: 27

The process will require 109 MiB more space.
23 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/27] Fetching php71-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%    2 MiB   2.2MB/s    00:01
[2/27] Fetching php71-extensions-1.0.txz: 100%    1 KiB   1.1kB/s    00:01
[3/27] Fetching mod_php71-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%    1 MiB   1.2MB/s    00:01
[4/27] Fetching libxml2-2.9.4.txz: 100%  802 KiB 821.1kB/s    00:01
[5/27] Fetching php71-session-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   31 KiB  32.3kB/s    00:01
[6/27] Fetching php71-opcache-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%  137 KiB 140.0kB/s    00:01
[7/27] Fetching php71-xmlwriter-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   13 KiB  13.1kB/s    00:01   
[8/27] Fetching php71-xmlreader-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   13 KiB  12.9kB/s    00:01   
[9/27] Fetching php71-dom-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   54 KiB  55.4kB/s    00:01
[10/27] Fetching php71-xml-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   20 KiB  20.1kB/s    00:01
[11/27] Fetching php71-simplexml-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   23 KiB  23.3kB/s    00:01  
[12/27] Fetching php71-ctype-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%    6 KiB   6.6kB/s    00:01
[13/27] Fetching php71-posix-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   11 KiB  11.4kB/s    00:01
[14/27] Fetching php71-hash-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%  118 KiB 121.3kB/s    00:01
[15/27] Fetching php71-filter-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   18 KiB  18.9kB/s    00:01
[16/27] Fetching php71-tokenizer-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%    9 KiB   8.8kB/s    00:01  
[17/27] Fetching php71-json-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   20 KiB  20.4kB/s    00:01
[18/27] Fetching php71-sqlite3-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   17 KiB  17.9kB/s    00:01
[19/27] Fetching sqlite3-3.19.3_1.txz: 100%  707 KiB 723.9kB/s    00:01
[20/27] Fetching php71-pdo_sqlite-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   12 KiB  12.1kB/s    00:01 
[21/27] Fetching php71-pdo-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   43 KiB  44.1kB/s    00:01
[22/27] Fetching php71-iconv-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%   18 KiB  18.0kB/s    00:01
[23/27] Fetching php71-phar-7.1.6_1.txz: 100%  102 KiB 104.2kB/s    00:01
[24/27] Fetching apache24-2.4.26.txz: 100%    5 MiB   5.0MB/s    00:01
[25/27] Fetching apr- 100%  410 KiB 419.7kB/s    00:01
[26/27] Fetching gdbm-1.13_1.txz: 100%  150 KiB 153.5kB/s    00:01
[27/27] Fetching db5-5.3.28_6.txz: 100%   12 MiB   6.4MB/s    00:02
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/27] Installing libxml2-2.9.4...
[1/27] Extracting libxml2-2.9.4: 100%
[2/27] Installing php71-7.1.6_1...
[2/27] Extracting php71-7.1.6_1: 100%
[3/27] Installing gdbm-1.13_1...
[3/27] Extracting gdbm-1.13_1: 100%
[4/27] Installing db5-5.3.28_6...
[4/27] Extracting db5-5.3.28_6: 100%
[5/27] Installing php71-dom-7.1.6_1...
[5/27] Extracting php71-dom-7.1.6_1: 100%
[6/27] Installing php71-hash-7.1.6_1...
[6/27] Extracting php71-hash-7.1.6_1: 100%
[7/27] Installing sqlite3-3.19.3_1...
[7/27] Extracting sqlite3-3.19.3_1: 100%
[8/27] Installing php71-pdo-7.1.6_1...
[8/27] Extracting php71-pdo-7.1.6_1: 100%
[9/27] Installing apr-
[9/27] Extracting apr- 100%
[10/27] Installing php71-session-7.1.6_1...
[10/27] Extracting php71-session-7.1.6_1: 100%
[11/27] Installing php71-opcache-7.1.6_1...
[11/27] Extracting php71-opcache-7.1.6_1: 100%
[12/27] Installing php71-xmlwriter-7.1.6_1...
[12/27] Extracting php71-xmlwriter-7.1.6_1: 100%
[13/27] Installing php71-xmlreader-7.1.6_1...
[13/27] Extracting php71-xmlreader-7.1.6_1: 100%
[14/27] Installing php71-xml-7.1.6_1...
[14/27] Extracting php71-xml-7.1.6_1: 100%
[15/27] Installing php71-simplexml-7.1.6_1...
[15/27] Extracting php71-simplexml-7.1.6_1: 100%
[16/27] Installing php71-ctype-7.1.6_1...
[16/27] Extracting php71-ctype-7.1.6_1: 100%
[17/27] Installing php71-posix-7.1.6_1...
[17/27] Extracting php71-posix-7.1.6_1: 100%
[18/27] Installing php71-filter-7.1.6_1...
[18/27] Extracting php71-filter-7.1.6_1: 100%
[19/27] Installing php71-tokenizer-7.1.6_1...
[19/27] Extracting php71-tokenizer-7.1.6_1: 100%
[20/27] Installing php71-json-7.1.6_1...
[20/27] Extracting php71-json-7.1.6_1: 100%
[21/27] Installing php71-sqlite3-7.1.6_1...
[21/27] Extracting php71-sqlite3-7.1.6_1: 100%
[22/27] Installing php71-pdo_sqlite-7.1.6_1...
[22/27] Extracting php71-pdo_sqlite-7.1.6_1: 100%
[23/27] Installing php71-iconv-7.1.6_1...
[23/27] Extracting php71-iconv-7.1.6_1: 100%
[24/27] Installing php71-phar-7.1.6_1...
[24/27] Extracting php71-phar-7.1.6_1: 100%
[25/27] Installing apache24-2.4.26...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group 'www'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user 'www'.
[25/27] Extracting apache24-2.4.26: 100%
[26/27] Installing php71-extensions-1.0...
[27/27] Installing mod_php71-7.1.6_1...
Extracting mod_php71-7.1.6_1: 100%
[activating module `php7' in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf]
Message from php71-dom-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-dom.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-hash-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-hash.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-pdo-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-pdo.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-session-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-18-session.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-opcache-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-10-opcache.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-xmlwriter-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-xmlwriter.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-xmlreader-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-30-xmlreader.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-xml-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-xml.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-simplexml-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-simplexml.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-ctype-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-ctype.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-posix-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-posix.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-filter-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-filter.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-tokenizer-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-tokenizer.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-json-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-json.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-sqlite3-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-sqlite3.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-pdo_sqlite-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-30-pdo_sqlite.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-iconv-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-iconv.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from php71-phar-7.1.6_1:

The following line has been added to your /usr/local/etc/php/ext-30-phar.ini
configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:

Message from apache24-2.4.26:
To run apache www server from startup, add apache24_enable="yes"
in your /etc/rc.conf. Extra options can be found in startup script.

Your hostname must be resolvable using at least 1 mechanism in
/etc/nsswitch.conf typically DNS or /etc/hosts or apache might
have issues starting depending on the modules you are using.


- apache24 default build changed from static MPM to modular MPM
- more modules are now enabled per default in the port
- icons and error pages moved from WWWDIR to DATADIR

   If build with modular MPM and no MPM is activated in
   httpd.conf, then mpm_prefork will be activated as default
   MPM in etc/apache24/modules.d to keep compatibility with
   existing php/perl/python modules!

Please compare the existing httpd.conf with httpd.conf.sample
and merge missing modules/instructions into httpd.conf!

Message from mod_php71-7.1.6_1:

Make sure index.php is part of your DirectoryIndex.

You should add the following to your Apache configuration file:

    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source

[root@server /usr/home/user]#


Create a configurations file for PHP from the recommended production template file with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# cp /usr/local/etc/php.ini-production /usr/local/etc/php.ini [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

…and then edit /usr/local/etc/php.ini to meet your demands with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ee /usr/local/etc/php.ini [enter]

Got to line 663 and increase post_max_size from 8M to 32M;

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 32M

Exit ee by pressing <esc> and save your changes.

Create an Includes configuration file, /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/php.conf, with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/php.conf [enter]

…and add the following text:

<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.shtml index.html
    <FilesMatch "\.php$">
        SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
    <FilesMatch "\.phps$">
        SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source

Exit ee by pressing <esc> and save your changes.

PHP Locale Settings

Display current active locale setting on the system with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# locale [enter]
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

You can list all UTF-8 locales on the system with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# locale -a | grep '\.UTF-8$' [enter]

Locale settings for the server in this example is en_SE.UTF-8. This is a customized locale setting based on en_US.UTF-8 with modified TIME settings for 24h only display and with Swedish MONITARY and NUMERIC settings.

PHP will not read the locale settings when the charset type is appended to the locale name. ( ie: sv_SE.ISO8859-1, en_SE.UTF-8 ). The solution is to create a symbolic link to the selected locale directory.

Create a symbolic link to en_SE with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# ln -s /usr/share/locale/en_SE.UTF-8 /usr/share/locale/en_SE [enter]

Restart Apache Service

Restart apache24 with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# service apache24 restart [enter]
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Stopping apache24.
Waiting for PIDS: 1302.
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache24.
[root@server /usr/home/user]#

Test your PHP installation

Create a test file with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# echo "<?php phpinfo() ?>" > /usr/local/www/apache24/data/info.php [enter]

…then point your browser to:

Compiled in Modules

Show compiled in modules with:

[root@server /usr/home/user]# php -m [enter]
[PHP Modules]
Zend OPcache

[Zend Modules]
Zend OPcache

[root@server /usr/home/user]#